Sampson Chuck Suck Premium Fluid & Odour Control


Sampson’s CHUCK SUCK is a concentrated, highly absorbing powder designed to neutralise odours & absorb spills.

Available Size: 20 Litre

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Sampson Chuck Suck

Sampson’s CHUCK SUCK is a unique powder formulation containing specific odour absorbers as well as a pleasant perfume.

It’s unique particles have the ability to soak many times more than their own weight in fluid, which means a little goes a long way.

The product itself also stays dry too, by soaking up fluid deep inside itself which allows for easy cleaning up. Vomit, spills and accidents are taken care of and will leave behind only a pleasant, mal-odour absorbing, fragrance.


  • Powdered formulation easy to clean up.
  • High absorption capabilities.
  • Neutralises odours & leaves a refreshing fragrance.
  • Suitable for vomit, spills & urine.


  1. Sprinkle liberally onto affected area.
  2. Allow a few minutes to absorb liquid.
  3. Once completely absorbed, sweep up & dispose.
  4. Repeat as necessary.