Diversey Taski Pro Strip HD Floor Stripper


Taski Pro Strip HD is a high performance stripper for the removal of tough sealer finishes.

Available Size: 5 Litres

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Diversey Taski Pro Strip HD

Description TASKI® Pro Strip HD is a high performance stripper for the removal of tough sealer finishes. TASKI® Pro Strip HD is formulated for rapid bite in and deep penetration of multiple layers of sealer/finishes found in UHS floorcare programs including vinyl composite tile, terrazzo and concrete floors.


  • Works in cool water.
  • Variable dilution rate to match the job.
  • Effective on a wide range of sealer/finishes.


  1. Dust, mop with or sweep to remove dust or dirt.
  2. Dilute 1 part TASKI® Pro Strip HD with 4 -10 parts of cool to warm water depending on build up.
  3. Apply liberal amounts of solution to the surface to be stripped.
  4. Let stripper solution soak in for 5-10 minutes. Keep areas to be stripped wet.
  5. Scrub thoroughly using swing or stripping machine with a stripping pad or brush to break up film.
  6. Manually strip areas that cannot be reached with the machine.
  7. Pick-up all of the solution with a clean mop, wet vac or auto scubber. Trail mop as needed if stripper residues are present.
  8. Rinse floor with clean water using clean mop and bucket or auto scrubber if stripper residues are present.
  9. Let floor dry completely.
  10. Inspect floor for any areas requiring further stripping.
  11. Wash out all equipment before storage.

Additional information

Weight 5.2 kg
Dimensions 19 × 14 × 31 cm