Pool Pro Pool Floc
Pool Pro POOL FLOC is a flocculent which causes suspended particles to coagulate and drop to the bottom of the pool for vacuuming to waste. These are very small granules.
- Granular flocculant.
- For cloudy, green and dirty swimming pools.
- Causes suspended particles to coagulate for vacuuming to waste.
- Adjust total alkalinity to above 150ppm & pH to 7/5-8ppm.
- Turn off filtration system, Salt Chlorinator should be off.
- Move the D.E or Sand Filter multiport valve handle to recirculate.
- Dissolve 400g of Pool Pro Pool Floc for every 10,000L of water in a bucket & then broadcast evenly across pool surface.
- Run pool for 4 hours to circulate the Flocculent, then turn off for 24 hours to allow the Flocculent to settle at bottom of pool.
- Once settled, vacuum Flocculent to waste. If pool then becomes cloudy, turn pool off & allow Flocculent to resettle. Resume vacuuming once settled.
- Once all floc is removed from pool, fill pool water back up to appropriate level.
- Move D.E or Sand Filter multiport valve handle back to filter & switch Salt Chlorinator back on.
- Once process is complete, test & balance pool water as soon as possible.