Sonitron Defoamer Defoaming Concentrate

From: $28.00$312.00

A concentrated DEFOAMER in the form of a white emulsion used to control any excessive foam in the extraction tank.

PRODUCT AVAILABILITY: 1 Litre, 5 Litres, 20 Litres

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Sonitron Defoamer

Foam in carpets is a problem to the carpet extraction process. Foam can be left in carpets from the shampoo process or can be left there by the householder using proprietary brand carpet treatments, which are readily available in Supermarkets. The problem arises when these products have been used, and the residue has not been thoroughly vacuumed out. DEFOAMER HIGH CONCENTRATE is specially formulated to reduce the problems caused by foam in lines and recovery tanks during hot water extraction of carpets. It is also useful in other areas where foam is a problem.

Sonitron Defoamer is used in the recovery tank of the cleaning machine only. It should not be used in the detergent solution tank or sprayed onto the floor/ carpet. A simple method of use is to add a cap full of concentrate to the recovery tank as required. The defoamer will tend to concentrate towards the surface of the liquid and can be conserved by not emptying the recover tank completely.


– Highly concentrated.

– Super effective.

– Biodegradable.



  1. Apply 1 capful of concentrate to recovery tank.
  2. Proceed to extract as normal.


  1. Dilute the concentrate 1 to 100 (10mls per litre) in a small bucket.
  2. Remove the vacuum hose from the floor tool and such some of this diluted solution through the vacuum line and into the recovery tank.
  3. This procedure has the advantage of coating the lines so the defoaming action starts earlier.
  4. In bad cases the diluted solution can also be used in a trigger spray to spray the foam in the tank.

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